
Hello world! 👋
I'm Jacqueline Binya a software developer, technical writer, and a cloud enthusiast☁️.

I recently wrote these articles:

Joi Tutorial-Using @hapi/joi version 16.1.7 to validate a request body in a RESTful API.

. ☕  6 mins read

Intro Why validate? Before we even get started I know there is someone thinking, " Why should I bother with validations in the backend? Validations should be done in the front end, after all, we have inbuilt HTML5 form validations, why must I validate twice? Well, it is good practice when designing your API to always design it in isolation never make any assumptions, cause, in all honesty, you never know who is going to consume your API.

Another conflict: resolving conflicts in git that occur when using rebase.

. ☕  8 mins read

This interactive tutorial about the resolution of conflicts in git is a continuation of my first blog in the series titled And then we resolve a merge conflict…. If you have not read it, please check it out here. The aim of this tutorial is to show how you can use rebasing as an alternative to merging so to combine to branches in git. It will demonstrate how you resolve conflicts that occur thereof.

And then we resolve a merge conflict...

. ☕  6 mins read

Since my introduction to the git workflow. I have resolved my own fair share of conflicts. Admittedly when I started using git, conflicts were frustrating and upsetting occurrence mainly because I didn’t understand why and how they occurred. Unwittingly I actually thought they were something I could avoid, I thought there was a way I could outsmart git, hahaha! The word conflict has a negative connotation to it so don’t blame my newbie response.